Monday, February 1, 2010

Picture #1- Jude day 1
You would think staying home all day with a baby I would be able to blog more. Really there is not a whole lot to report. The little guy is quickly growing. We are almost to the point where he will not longer be able to wear his "newborn" sized clothing. We have literally two large boxes of sized 1 and 1-2 diapers and we are hoping he doesn't grow out of those too quickly.

This past Sunday we had more visitors which was great. Slowly but surely everyone is starting to meet the little guy. I went out to lunch with a friend on Monday and brought Jude along so we could stop at Bluefish to meet Paul the owner that Nick works with. There was a group of guys all fawning over him which was rather adorable.

Picture #2 and 3= Jude day 2

I may not get around to posting actual posts but I am going to make an attempt to do weekly if not daily pictures of the kid. I want to start keeping a record so we can see how his looks are changing. He looks completely different than he did when he was first born.
Picture above and to the right Jude day 5
Below Jude week 1

Jude above week 2, Jude below week 3

They really have funky formats to post these pictures. I wish you could label them.

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