Thursday, February 25, 2010

The week is almost over

I have only been to work twice this week and I am exhausted.  Of course not getting sleep last night might be a factor.  I got to bed around 11:40pm, woke up at 3am to pump, and then at 5 when the baby was fussing.  Sadly the little guy decided to stay up for an hour and I had to get ready for work by the time I got him down. 
Good news on the work front-  My boss changed my schedule (Again!) but this time in my favor.  I am now working Mon-Thur 8:30am-5:30pm and Friday 2:00-11pm.  (before I was working 11:30-8pm on Thurs)  She is allowing me to come in 30 minutes earlier so that I can extend my 15 minute breaks into 30 minute breaks giving me more time to pump.  Additional good news in the pumping front.  I am able to use the hospital's breast pump which is much better than any commercial pump you can by.  I will not have to cart my portable to work and I will get a stronger suck making pumping faster.

Side note-  My mother is in from out of town to help watch Jude for the next few weeks.  Unfortunately she arrived today and I had to be at work yesterday.  Luckily for Nick and myself our friend Suzanne stepped in to be our baby sitter.  Yesterday the little guy was an angel but today was another story.  I walked in and she looked defeated.  He evidently had a high tomato meter rating all day long. (Nick and I use this rating system to describe the shade of red that his face turns.) We will have to do something nice for her.

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