Wednesday, February 10, 2010

still learning

Over the weekend I did something silly. I ate spicy chicken wings that Nick made for the superbowl. Sadly they have not been treating Jude well. He got diaper rash pretty bad and I feel awful. I threw out all the milk I had stored in our fridge because I was not sure what I pumped post wings and I didn't want to take any chances. Today I gave him a bath to soak his poor little bum and exposed it to the air. We have used corn starch and not Butt Paste to help him get better. So... no more spicy food.
He has been extra adorable today. He has just started the last couple of days to hold onto your finger or shirt with his little hand while he is nursing. He has also started to use his legs more. If you have him laying on your chest while in the nursing chair he will actually try to use his legs to stand.
In other news- I borrowed pictures from my Aunt Claire and scanned them into our computer and saved them to our shutterfly account. Here are some pics I now have of me as a baby. I know Jude looks like Nick especially around the eyes but I think he also looks like me.


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  3. Well, it's about time for Daddy to get in on this. I love our baby boy so freaking much it hurts! I can say that every single day is something new to look forward to and a new ass kicking mistake at the same time! I have finally learned to defend myself and am not getting the urine spray anymore. My next technique to master is the swaddle. Many of our loved ones have offered tips but I think I am starting to get my swaddle groove. It's a simple enough concept. Burrito wrap the boy, less arm and leg movement means more peaceful sleep. I think we gave birth to Houdini though. I currently have him in a receiving blanket straight jacket. I mean I don't know if Vanessa could bust out of this one, and he has been sleeping peacefully for a couple of hours now. This is of course the biggest challenge that every veteran parent sighs and warns you about. Learning to function without sleep. You just don't understand any of this until you're living it. Until the first time you wake up from your 1 hour of sleep to realize you work in 30 minutes. That part sucks!!! I would do it over and over again (and most likely will) for the feeling I get every time he looks up at me. It's the best feeling ever and we have so much to look forward to. Have there been some rough patches? Sure. The entire week has been a rough patch. The aforementioned hot wings and his inability to get comfortable seem to have calmed down a little this morning. We made it through a full bottle, he is sleeping in his car seat (which is his favorite spot) and firmly swaddled. I feel a sense of victory to say the least. I have only fallen asleep twice in lessons now. It worked out that while we were with Baby Jude at U of M my schedule completely filled, so I would be pretty exhausted even without our little bundle of joy. Whenever I start to moan about it I remember that I have a beautiful baby boy to come home to, a loving wife and Mom who I adore, and a great job that I look forward to attending every day. So I don't sleep! When I'm staggering through the house at 4am these thoughts remind me of how lucky we truly are. And as usual Vanessa is a warrior. She took the hit for me the list two weeks letting me sleep to prepare for my marathon lesson Fridays. I look forward to returning the favor in 2 weeks when she will be very depressed about returning to work to say the least. We will then fall into our groove I'm sure. Hopefully he'll be falling into a better sleeping pattern by then. We shall see. The expressions he is starting to develop right now are priceless. According to all sources we should be getting genuine smiles within a week or two. Supposedly it's just him having gas currently but I like to think he is just saying hey.

  4. I think it is awesome that you and Vanessa have taken the time to document the pre-arrival and arrival of Jude Oliver. It will be harder and harder to find the time to do this when he gets a little older. You are all just awesome, you know that?

    He's just saying that.
