Monday, February 22, 2010

Just a little bit cuter every day...

Today I had my 6 week check up with the midwife.  Everything seems to be going well. (I got my first and probably last IUD.  After the next kid Nick is going to get snipped)  Jude is due at the doc in two weeks and I am excited to see how he is progressing.
Today for a limited time Jude found his pinky finger.  It was cute watching him suck on it.  In general when he is upset he will suck on his entire fist. He has yet to find  his thumb. 
Jude loves sleeping in his car seat.  In fact this is how he sleeps at night.  The cradling of the body is very soothing for him.  What I can't understand is why he hates the actual car.  The last several car rides he has taken he has ended up in tears.  Two days ago I was in the car on the freeway when he completely lost it.  I felt terrible because there was no way for me to pull over.  He cried/screamed until he cried himself out.  My heart was breaking the whole time.

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