Friday, February 19, 2010

What to eat and what not to eat.

I have been dealing with a very fussy and gassy baby these last two days. It has been incredibly tough. He does not want to sleep or be put down. I started reading (and am mostly through) a book called 'The baby whisperer' which helps you see the differences in what you baby wants giving common body language cues and sounds. (i.e. the difference between the "I'm overstimulated" cry and the "I need food" cry) It has been very helpful and also has given me the insight that Jude is very gassy (We knew this before but we were making the mistake of thinking he was hungry all the time instead of gassy.)
Since the debacle that was the spicy food of Super Bowl Weekend I have come to think that food affects baby's body. According to several web sights and my baby books this is a myth with the exception of cows milk. So I am cutting out all things dairy for the next few days to see if that helps with Jude's gas issue. Also, I am avoiding foods that makes me gassy. (Goodbye wonderful 15 bean soup that I made this weekend.) Hopefully we can find a happy medium somewhere.

1 comment:

  1. A bonus. Cutting out dairy has helped me lose nearly 20 lbs!
