Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Thank you to our Family & Friends!!!

So the little dude had me giggling like a little girl last night. For a sustained 10 minute period he just stared at me and grinned away. This was after Vanessa brought him back from Ann Arbor and the little boy and I were separated all day. What a great thing to come home to after work. We sat up together and watched some TV, he slept last night for a solid 4 hours! This includes being moved from room to room in his car seat. Baby Jude had a rough day on Monday as he went in for 3 vaccinations. He took the shots like a pro though. Mommy had to deal with a whole lotta discharge for the rest of the day. He has been great through a very busy week. We had the full crew of Humenai in town over the week, Jude just did what he does best, snuggled and won everyone over with cuteness. Once again, seeing him and Cousin Olivia together is the best thing ever. Olivia is well on her way to steps, she will stagger her way across the room (with some help from her parents) to get to you. It is too much. Some photos from the weekend.

We are quickly reminded how important family is when you see three generations of loved ones all coming together like this. We are grateful to our friends & family, his Grandma Deer, Papa Bear, Grandpa & Grandma Klaver, Genevieve, Susie, Suzanne and everybody who is helping us adjusting to working and parenting at the same time. We would be having such a rough time without all of you. We love you very much!

Nick, Vanessa and Jude

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