Sunday, March 28, 2010

oh the lovely world of pee and poop

Early this morning Jude and I were hanging out in his nursery.  He was nursing when all the sudden I felt a very warm presence on my lap.  I checked Jude but because he was wearing one of those super fuzzy jammy jams or maybe I just checked the wrong spot but he felt dry so I thought nothing of it.  After all whatever was warm quickly in my tired state dissipated and was no longer felt on my legs.  A little while later I stood up to change his diaper and discovered that 1.  My lap was no longer warm but became quite cold upon standing up and exposing it to the air and 2. Jude's diaper had shifted and one side had become up hooked.  I had felt the side that was still attached and therefore did not feel the the pee.  He was soaked, I was soaked, the  blanket was wet and so was the chair.  How does one get infant pee out of a plush chair?

It is amazing how many times poop and pee come up in conversation once you are a mother.  I have a voice mail from Nick saved in my phone that says, "We have poop... Poop has been achieved!"  This was after Jude had not had a poop in three days.  It was a rather small poopie diaper but at least it was something.  That small poopie diaper was it until last Thursday when Jude had not one but two blow out diapers.  So much so that we had to give him a bath.

This weekend is immediate family only weekend. We have had some many visitors over the last few weeks that I just need  a weekend to decompress.  So far it has been wonderful.  Jude and I ran errands yesterday morning and then met up with Nick for lunch.  We then spent the rest of the day hanging out at home. Today we are staying in again. The weather is sucky or we would be outside going for a walk.  I found a pretty cool park yesterday while driving around that is within walking distance of our house. 

1 comment:

  1. Been there done that- blow out diapers, oh the joy! HAHAH...people think we moms are lazy when they get home and the house isn't cleaned, yet we have cleaned up many many baby messes all day long! Just wait till he gets on his feet and not only do you have poop/pee, but also food everywhere and a million spilled sippy cups. Huggz :D
