Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Little man making big steps

First off- Another blow out diaper today with Aunt Genevieve!  Something about my sister makes my son poop.  She has been doing  a little energy work on him.  Not sure if that is what is doing it but frankly if it is- I hope it keeps up.
Our house is being taken over by baby toys and clothes.  My co-worker Anita found a bag of clothes that she had bought for her grandson but misplaced before he could wear any of it and she gave them to us.  Yvonne and Andy sent Genevieve back with a bunch of Olivia's bouncy toys (still a little too big for Jude but I can't wait until he gets to use them.) and it seems like whenever I see my Aunt Barb that she is dropping off another bag of Jake's toys for Jude. People have been insanely generous.  Jude turned 10 weeks this past Monday and Nick and I have yet to buy a diaper. Next week we have a gap before our nanny starts and people are stepping up to watch the little guy 

Second- OUR LITTLE GUY CAN ROLL ONTO HIS SIDE!!!  Today while laying on his mat Jude wanted to get a better look at the birds outside the living room window and rolled onto his right side.  He is awesome.

Off to bed for me.  I got up at 5:20 am to work out on our new elliptical machine (thanks to Genevieve and my dad.) It is a none electric and it kicks my butt.  I am going to attempt to do the same thing tomorrow.  It is time for me to get my butt back into shape.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

oh the lovely world of pee and poop

Early this morning Jude and I were hanging out in his nursery.  He was nursing when all the sudden I felt a very warm presence on my lap.  I checked Jude but because he was wearing one of those super fuzzy jammy jams or maybe I just checked the wrong spot but he felt dry so I thought nothing of it.  After all whatever was warm quickly in my tired state dissipated and was no longer felt on my legs.  A little while later I stood up to change his diaper and discovered that 1.  My lap was no longer warm but became quite cold upon standing up and exposing it to the air and 2. Jude's diaper had shifted and one side had become up hooked.  I had felt the side that was still attached and therefore did not feel the the pee.  He was soaked, I was soaked, the  blanket was wet and so was the chair.  How does one get infant pee out of a plush chair?

It is amazing how many times poop and pee come up in conversation once you are a mother.  I have a voice mail from Nick saved in my phone that says, "We have poop... Poop has been achieved!"  This was after Jude had not had a poop in three days.  It was a rather small poopie diaper but at least it was something.  That small poopie diaper was it until last Thursday when Jude had not one but two blow out diapers.  So much so that we had to give him a bath.

This weekend is immediate family only weekend. We have had some many visitors over the last few weeks that I just need  a weekend to decompress.  So far it has been wonderful.  Jude and I ran errands yesterday morning and then met up with Nick for lunch.  We then spent the rest of the day hanging out at home. Today we are staying in again. The weather is sucky or we would be outside going for a walk.  I found a pretty cool park yesterday while driving around that is within walking distance of our house. 

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Expectations... not met

Sorry all.  I know I wanted to post a picture a day and frankly... I find as a new mother I don't have the time. What a big surprise.  I am down grading to once a week. 
Jude got his first round of shots Monday, March 15th.  We have been dealing with issues ever since.  Jude had really bad diarrhea the first day. He ended up getting a blow out diaper at 10:40pm Monday.  We are used to him having at least 4-6 poopie diapers a day.  He did not have another poopie diaper  until that Thursday.  I was not there for the diaper so I don't know the consistancy of the poop.  He has not had another poopie diaper since then and today is Wednesday.  Supposibly breast fed babies will sometimes do this but I don't see how the shots and the non poopie can not be connected.  My little guy was super regular until the 15th.  He isn't in any pain and is still farting up a storm but I am still worried.  He has also been more fussy in general.

His next appointment is coming up May 21st..  I think I will talk to the pediatrician about doing an alternative vaccination schedule.  I think getting 6 vaccinations at once for a 2 month old is too much.  I think I will see if we can do one at a time and stretch it out. 
This is little Jude at 6 weeks.  He just had a bath so his hair is crazy.

Here he is at 9 weeks.  He definitely needs a bath.

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Thank you to our Family & Friends!!!

So the little dude had me giggling like a little girl last night. For a sustained 10 minute period he just stared at me and grinned away. This was after Vanessa brought him back from Ann Arbor and the little boy and I were separated all day. What a great thing to come home to after work. We sat up together and watched some TV, he slept last night for a solid 4 hours! This includes being moved from room to room in his car seat. Baby Jude had a rough day on Monday as he went in for 3 vaccinations. He took the shots like a pro though. Mommy had to deal with a whole lotta discharge for the rest of the day. He has been great through a very busy week. We had the full crew of Humenai in town over the week, Jude just did what he does best, snuggled and won everyone over with cuteness. Once again, seeing him and Cousin Olivia together is the best thing ever. Olivia is well on her way to steps, she will stagger her way across the room (with some help from her parents) to get to you. It is too much. Some photos from the weekend.

We are quickly reminded how important family is when you see three generations of loved ones all coming together like this. We are grateful to our friends & family, his Grandma Deer, Papa Bear, Grandpa & Grandma Klaver, Genevieve, Susie, Suzanne and everybody who is helping us adjusting to working and parenting at the same time. We would be having such a rough time without all of you. We love you very much!

Nick, Vanessa and Jude

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Thursday, March 11, 2010

sorry for the slacking

I have pictures from the last few days but I have not had a chance to upload the photos.  I will make a point of it tonight and add pictures from the last few days.
Jude has been a delight. (with the exception of a few hairy nights) He now is greeting both Nick and I with smiles in the morning.  He recognizes people like his Grandma Deer.  Last night he got a concert from Papa Bear, Aunt Genevieve, Nick and myself and we even recorded some of his sounds.  He loves to talk and hates having a dirty diaper.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Music with Gen and the Papa Bear

We recorded some of Jude's sounds last night while Papa Bear and Genevieve came to visit.  Poor Jude had to listen to a rather interesting version of 'Space Oddity' which we also recorded.  Kitty Rug Toss is going to take a long time to get off the ground at this rate.

Monday, March 8, 2010

crazy times

Damn the kid is 2 months old.  Where does the time go?  He is now starting to sleep longer through the night.  He has been asleep for the last 4  hours.

Sunday, March 7, 2010

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Mr. Jude had quite the day.  It started off very cold after our furnace decided to go on vacation.  Luckily Papa Klaver and Grandma Pam were home from FL and we were quickly able to get our furnace fixed because we had a lot of company.

Jude got to finally meet his Aunt Genevieve, Uncle Brion, Uncle Aaron. Aunt Sara, Uncle Adam and Aunt  Jennifer.  He had his first party at Uncle Adam's mom house and was a champ.   When we got him home (around 4 am) he slept through the night (this is after sleeping through the party.)  He woke up twice with poop explosions (one actually went up his back.) but he quickly went back to sleep and slept in until noon.

Friday, March 5, 2010

I think That Jude is starting to look like me.  The first picture is of me and the second is Jude.

This is what I came home to tonight.. Jude and Nick snuggling on our bed. 

In other news- I get Jude's birth certificate today!

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Don't you look away!

Two posts in one, because we were slackers and didn't post yesterday. Our baby boy has been spending a lot of time with his Grandma Deerstar this week. She is staying down the street at the underwater zoo and watching him while we are work. He has been very gassy and apparently Grandma could not take her eyes off of Jude to watch a DVD without much protest. He is engaging in more staring contests than ever before and loves just checking us out.

In the next two days Jude will meet his Uncle Brion and Aunt Genevieve for the first time. On top of that he meets Adam, Sara, Aaron and The Haas Family. We have visitors from all over the country to reunite our old friends and meet our new family member. This is a very exciting weekend to say the least. We are looking forward to showing off our handsome little man to old friends and family.

Wednesday, March 3, 2010

I am missing having somewhat control over my body.  Today while at work I had a major milk let down an hour  befor my break.  You will not hear my say this often, but thank goodness for dark navy polyester.  I soaked through my bra, pad, shirt and vest.  It went all down my skirt.  Bonus- It is not stickly like normal milk.  I pretty much turned into a spicket.
Sorry there is no picture for the 3rd.  I will try to be better.

Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Jude and his lady friend

Yesterday's picture

Mr. Wilderness meets Mr. Jude