Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Mice 0.... Vanessa 2

Peta would be most pissy with me.  I have killed 2 tiny black mice with stumpy tails.  I am providing them with last meals before their demise. 

As for Mr. Juder,  he had not one but 2 big poops yesterday.   Poor Nick has been home with a horrible cold.  He has been sick for 12 days.   Last Saturday he took the day off work and went to see the doctor only to be told it was a common cold and he needs to go home and take rest.  Sadly that was impossible as he of course had a show that night as well as one of his best friend's bachelor party and then a hockey game the next day.  It seems after taking Monday off that he is finally on the mend.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Mouse update

That first evening I did manage to kill one little black mouse... but the next night even though I put fresh peanut butter on the trap and placed an additional trap.. nothing.  I even heard the other little mice checking out the trap.  I shall try again tonight...  Perhaps a little honey to go with that peanut butter?

As for Mr. Jude.
He once more had a major blow out poop today which is good because he has not had a poop since last Thursday.
He has become far more vocal in the last week or so.  He has discovered that he does not always need to cry to get my attention.  Now when I go in for the late night feedings he is usually yelling from his crib and not melting down (unless I take too long in my exhausted state to get my boob out.) In fact he yells a lot- period.  He is enjoying the sound of his voice and I find it rather adorable. 

Saturday, April 17, 2010

Mouse Trap

We have mice.  They are living in our walls.  I hear them scurrying through the vents while I am feeding Jude at 3am.  I have even heard mouse fights- screeching... thumping.  Because they stay in our walls and vents the cats are not able to get at them (which drives them crazy). I did wake up once this winter to a proud Oscar over a dead mouse in the kitchen but I have not seen another one since.   I put mouse poison in the attic hoping that it would take care of the issue but that has not worked so today I got mouse traps... and put them in the vents with peanut butter.  I am sure the snap and final death throws will scare Jude... but he will get over it.


Mouths, hands and Jillian Michaels

Mr. Jude has often found his hands to be quite interesting but now he is completely facinated with the taste and texture.  He has become really good at grabbing fingers and stuffing them in his mouth.  I will be on high alert when some of our friends who don't like to wash their hands post bathroom come and visit. 

How can one not wash their hands after using the bathroom?  Since becoming pregnant and spending tons of time in the bathroom there are a couple of things that make me cringe. 
  1. People who don't wash hands.  We learn to do this in elementary school.  20 seconds of scrubbing
2.  People that leave "presents" on the seat of the toilet.  I understand you were squatting but clean it up for the next person.

3. People who don't flush... especially with floaters

4. People who don't flush and don't wipe.. .this puzzles me altogether.  When I am in a woman's bathroom and there are floaters and no toilet paper.. you know who you are... and you disgust me.
    Jude has discovered his hands! 

    Other news- Nick and I did our first attempt at work out 1 for the Jillian Michaels 30 day shred.  Ummm ouch.  I am attempting to work out 20 minutes a day. It is not working out so well so far.  My major problem is that the morning hours are the best time for me to work out before Jude gets up.  But doing jumping jacks with milk full breasts just doesn't work but if I pump then I won't be able to breast feed Jude in the morning when he gets up.  I know I can just use a bottle but it isn't the same.  I don't want him waking to a bottle.

    Thursday, April 1, 2010


    I just got a call from my sister who is watching Jude.. He just rolled over from his stomach onto his back!!!