Thursday, February 3, 2011

Seriously slacking

It is not just that the little man now knows how to turn off the computer while you are looking at it.  There is just not enough time in the day to write one of these blogs.  I have no idea how people keep up with them. 
Let's see, since last July many things have happened.

Jude turned one!  This being a picture of him during his Cowboy birthday party which was a complete success.  The Friday after his party he decided to take his first steps.  That video I have put on Facebook.  If I remember when I get  home I will try and upload it but no promises.
His stupid human tricks include:  clicking his tongue, clapping (his newest trick), and waving.  His favorite toy is a ball which he uses as an excuse to go places he is not supposed to go by throwing it ahead of him and crawling after it.  He has just started throwing little tantrums when he loses a toy under something and can't get it. Bath time is still  his favorite time.  He now splashes so much we have to have towels on the floor. His latest obsession is climbing stairs.

So that is the quick update.

1 comment:

  1. Allright, it's been a month since you postd this...NOW you are seriously slacking! :P
