Friday, May 14, 2010

Jude vs. The Octopus!!!

This is little Jude wearing his super hero onesie attacking Stanley the Octopus.  He actually got to be pretty interested in watching the hockey games.  It is a shame they are over so soon.  The only TV he gets to watch is my P90x videos and usually he doesn't last too long before I have to stop working out and pay him more attention.  Occasionally he does let me do the entire video.
This Mr. Jude outside with me Mother's Day while Nick was planting my new Lilac tree. 
The little man has just started liking his Exercise toy.  When he first started out he kept scaring himself with a couple of the parts that make loud noises. 
I made myself a nursing necklace to try and keep Jude's attention while nursing. He has just started to get distracted and pulling off which of course leads me to squirting him in the face. This morning at about 5am he was nursing and pulled off.  I went to burp him and he started yelling and then suckling my face. 

We went to Jude's 4 month appointment this past week.  As you may recall he had a horrible reaction to his vaccines last time around.  We talked it over with his pediatrician and we are only doing one shot at a time.  He ended up getting one shot that did have multiple vaccines in it but we stayed away from the Rotovirus vaccine which is the one that really screwed him up last time.  We are not going to ever give him that one again. She did not seem to thrilled about it.  The vaccine is suppose to prevent him getting diarrhea and instead it gave him diarrhea.  What is the point?
 Nick and I are actually looking into switching up Docs.  Not terribly impressed with the process we went through to get a pediatrician.  We received a packet from our Midwife outlining the various Pediatricians they had at their clinic but they would not let us set up appointments to meet the doctors and told us to wait until we got to the hospital.  We got to the hospital and they wanted to know which doc we choose. We gave the name of the nurse practitioner but then went we got out of the hospital she did not have any appointments available so they randomly assigned us a doc and we have had her since.  Don't get me wrong she seems perfectly nice but she was not one of the ones I was considering when choosing.  We are now thinking of moving to the Livonia clinic because it is much closer to our house.  I am sure we will once again not be able to meet with the doc but who knows, they may surprise us.

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