Thursday, February 3, 2011

Seriously slacking

It is not just that the little man now knows how to turn off the computer while you are looking at it.  There is just not enough time in the day to write one of these blogs.  I have no idea how people keep up with them. 
Let's see, since last July many things have happened.

Jude turned one!  This being a picture of him during his Cowboy birthday party which was a complete success.  The Friday after his party he decided to take his first steps.  That video I have put on Facebook.  If I remember when I get  home I will try and upload it but no promises.
His stupid human tricks include:  clicking his tongue, clapping (his newest trick), and waving.  His favorite toy is a ball which he uses as an excuse to go places he is not supposed to go by throwing it ahead of him and crawling after it.  He has just started throwing little tantrums when he loses a toy under something and can't get it. Bath time is still  his favorite time.  He now splashes so much we have to have towels on the floor. His latest obsession is climbing stairs.

So that is the quick update.

Monday, July 12, 2010

Cincin and 1st tooth cutting thru!

Little man just had a fantastic weekend with cousin Olivia and Aunt Yvonne and Uncle Andy this weekend.  He just turned 6 months yesterday and this morning his first tooth is cutting through.

Sunday, July 4, 2010

First time eating

The third photo was from the second time we fed him.. He took to it fairly well.

A lot of firsts for this past month.. of course that is pretty much going to be on going.  I should say the first of the big firsts...  First time swimming... first tornado siren... first time eating food other than breast milk... first time seeing a parade and fireworks... First time attempting to walk (with us helping him keep balance of course)

Juder is  growing up so quickly.  We have his 6 month check up coming in a week or so (We need to get that new pediatrician.  Progress has been made, we just need to set up some meet and greets.  My new job is working out awesome.  I love getting home at 5pm.  We are finally getting onto a normal schedule.  We did end up losing our nanny over the hour change but we have our niece Katie watching him for the summer which is beyond amazing.   

We are hoping in the next week or two to get him to his first Tiger's game but we are waiting for a little cooler weather.  It has been in the 90's and that is not  a fun time at the park.

We thought we were dealing with our first cold this morning for him but it turns out he was just having a reaction to the yogurt that we gave him.  (Plain organic whole goat milk).  The good news is that he has been regular the last few days but we will have to hold off on giving him that again.  The rice cereal was a pretty big hit.  

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Past Due

So much has happened the last few weeks that I have hardly found time to do anything.  Sorry for the late entry.  Littleman is almost 5 months old.  Where has the time gone?  He is learning to do all sorts of things.  In the last 2 weeks he has learned how to laugh (which is deep throated and adorable.), how to blow raspberries, and how to keep himself awake while feeding (hit himself on the side- big whoppers.  I have to wrap him with a blanket- a pseudo swaddle to get him to stop.)
We made another family road trip  this time to Cleveland for Bill and Beth's wedding.  Jude slept through most of the service but was ready to party well into the night.  He kept taking cat naps but wanted to be awake to play with all the people.  I got some evil looks when we got back to the hotel with him so late.  He was happy as a clam.

He finally got to meet Melissa and Micheal.  They seemed pretty taken with him.  I am looking forward to seeing them again in September.  Melissa is bringing her camera and wants to take pictures.  It has been great seeing our of our friends interacting with Jude.  Besides Sarah Rosaen and Mike Kuz we don't really have any friends with kids yet.  Jude is so awesome I believe he has inspired a few to start trying.

We had our Memorial Day celebration and Jude got to meet little man Logan.  April and Patrick are a couple that I went to high school with.  We recently got back in touch with each other via facebook and they came over.  They adopted Logan just a few weeks ago. He is two months younger than Juderbug but not much smaller.  He is 13 lbs to Jude's 17.  April is thinking of starting up a Mommy group and I may join.  It would be nice for Jude to make friends now especially since I don't have him in daycare.  Most of his interactions have been with adults. It is time we start up some play dates!